Some roads are still very icy so Lunch Bunch at Coquette has been rescheduled to Friday, February 7th. Click here for more information.
![]() Some roads are still very icy so Lunch Bunch at Coquette has been rescheduled to Friday, February 7th. Click here for more information.
![]() Junior Circle will be having dinner at ZinBurger! Please join us at 6pm on February 21st for burgers and wine at the Triangle's newest burger and wine restaurant! If you did not receive an email, you can RSVP and find more details at the link below: http://groupspaces.com/AGDRaleigh/item/600211 ![]() If you are interested in serving as a Chapter Advisor for the first time, or would like to continue serving as a Chapter Advisor for the next biennium, please complete your application by February 16, 2014. Appointments will begin June 1, 2014, and end May 31, 2016. Click on the link below for additional information.http://e2.ma/message/q35vk/afwzke Alpha Gamma Delta is hosting a call for member artwork for the International Headquarters building in conjunction with the opening of the new archives area at International Headquarters.Submissions are due January 31, 2014. Selected artwork will be determined as appropriate for different areas of IHQ and announced by March 1, 2014.
Click here for additional details ![]() Last week there was a fire at a chapter house in Oklahoma. Out of this emergency has come a new Emergency Disaster Relief Fund. The email linked below provides information on how to contribute to the fund http://e2.ma/message/8cc8g/grcwti ![]() Alpha Gamma Delta is looking for alumnae to become Pearl Sisters for our newest chapters in 2014! This is an easy, fun and free way to stay involved as alumnae. Sign up to be a Pearl Sister! Here's a recent Facebook post from the Fraternity: https://www.facebook.com/alphagammadelta/posts/10152517391804447 |